Sunday, March 25, 2007

Senior High "Exposed!" Series

Shoreline March 25th - What is a High Schooler Supposed to Do?
(Audio) Senior High Message - Week 3 - What is a High Schooler Supposed to Do?

Shoreline March 18th - What Went Wrong?
(Audio) Senior High Message - Week 2: What Went Wrong?

Like it or not, students are being exposed to sex more often and at earlier ages than ever before. The messages being sent through media and peers can be confusing and overwhelming for young teenagers. At Watermark, we're trying to expose students to a thorough Biblical perspective of sex and try to clear up some of the confusion and combat some of the negative ideas our society is sending their way.

For complete outlines of the messages, discussion questions for small group and family use, and audio from the weekly messages, click below:

Exposed! Outlines & Discussion Questions